Employee Experience
Trust an experienced partner when it comes to the needs of your employees: for strong involvement, high connectedness and a deep commitment to your company.
More than a partner
for employee surveys.
The future of employee experience
Wir gestalten Mitarbeiterbefragungen, basierend auf Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen. Von der Life Cycle Befragungen, über den Puls Check. Doch unsere Kompetenzen reichen noch weiter: Wir führen bestehende Datensätze zusammen und generieren so neue Insights zu einer Vielzahl kritischer Unternehmensthemen. Mit Hilfe Künstlicher Intelligenz analysieren wir die Daten und helfen Unternehmen, eine optimale Employee Experience With the help of artificial intelligence, we analyze your data and help you create an optimal employee experience and enhance your existing employee relationships. We develop efficient and customized measures and support you - from start to finish.
Strategic Employee Lifecycle Review
People are and remain the focal point for a sustainable way of working: In order to be able to actively shape the working environment of your employees, we check up on strategic points in your Employee Life Cycle: Find out, how your employees are doing and what their experience is. We develop strategic concepts for your customised survey.
Data Analysis with Artificial Intelligence
We analyze existing and new data with artificial intelligence and can thus make complex structures visible in real time, identify fields of action and blind spots, depict relationships and help you with data-based decision-making. Our experts know exactly what is important and meet you at eye level.
Nachhaltige Maßnahmen & Change Management
Basierend auf den vorangegangenen Analysen, entwickeln wir gemeinsam maßgeschneiderte Interventionen für Ihre Handlungsfelder. Profitieren Sie dabei von dem interdisziplinären Wissen und der praktischen Erfahrung unserer Expert:innen und schaffen Sie sich eine Grundlage für Ihren Unternehmenserfolg. Wir begleiten Sie von Anfang bis Ende.
Treat your
Mitarbeitenden wie Ihre
Employees like your best customers

Increase your company's attractiveness
Wenn das Thema Arbeit im Gespräch auftaucht und Mitarbeitende nur Gutes sagen, ist das die beste Werbung für Ihr Unternehmen. So entwickelt sich der Ruf Ihres Unternehmens und Sie werden attraktiv für hochkarätige Mitarbeitende.

Attract and retain talent
Professionals want to work for companies that are aware of and responsive to their individual experiences and needs. Today, a good workplace experience is indispensable for employees and ties them to your company in the long term.

Increase employee involvement
Mitarbeitende mit einem positiven Erlebnis ihrer Arbeitswelt, bringen sich mit Begeisterung in ihren Job ein: Sie sind aufmerksam, engagiert und bereit ihr Bestes zu geben. Entsprechend kann durch ein wertschätzendes Arbeitsumfeld das Engagement und die Motivation Ihrer Mitarbeitenden steigen.

Inspire creativity
Die mit einer guten Arbeitsplatzerfahrung einhergehende Positivität erzeugt Kreativität, welche Vorteile für Mitarbeitende und Unternehmen gleichermaßen bringt: Die Fähigkeit, klar und kreativ zu denken, befähigt Mitarbeitende Prozesse neu zu strukturieren, innovative Ideen zu entwickeln und mutig neue Wege zu gehen. Erzeugen Sie Wachstum durch Innovation.
Profit from our
data-driven consulting method
We take an evidence-based approach with artificial intelligence to analyse, understand and move your organisation.

Transformation from start to finish
Changing the employee experience requires good planning, a holistic view and comprehensive management. We accompany your transformation from start to finish and provide advice and support. We work at eye level - because no one knows your processes as well as you do.

A data-driven path
Your best bet, is a bet on a data-guided path. Our recommendations for action and measures are not based on feelings - but on quantitative and qualitative data. With the help of artificial intelligence, we can generate up-to-date, reliable and potent insights that guide your way into the future.

State of the art methods and tools
We know the right tools and methods to successfully implement your employee experience initiative. Our experienced experts know exactly which tool suits you best.

Evaluate and review
What is the point of introducing a measure if you don't know whether it was successful? We not only accompany you in strategic planning and sustainable implementation - we also like to evaluate the success of your projects.
Connect employee and customer experience - and take the next step.
You want to get to the next level?
In the extended expansion stage, we combine CX and EX -
– We have expertise in this area too!

We start,
where you are.
We start where you are right now: Together we analyze your current status quo, define a target goal and develop a roadmap to get there. But we don't just consult - we also want to support you in the subsequent implementation and evaluation of the developed measures and strategic changes.
In our daily work, we use proven frameworks, best practices and workshops. Together with you, we lay the foundation to realise the full potential of your data through Data Science, machine Learning, and artificial intelligence. In this way, you create competitive advantages and sustainable added value for your company. Start with us into a data-driven future and take the next steps.