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Optimal, product-neutral education. 
Consulting tailored to you.
Human-centred philosophy.

AI from one single source:
Strategy, development, training.

The future belongs to the interaction of man and machine. That's why we define, develop and implement human-centred AI strategies and solutions tailored to your demands of today. We optimize structures and processes, improve your use case management and determine your AI maturity level. However, we don't just look at processes, but also lay a sustainable foundation for the synthesis between AI and people: through training and education. Your employees will develop skills, competencies and a positive mindset around data science and AI. After all, competent employees and teams form the basis for long-term success and the full exploitation of the potential of artificial intelligence in your company.

Preparing your team for AI

Convey knowledge and mindset around artificial intelligence

In our "AI Academy" we promote the skills and competences of your employees. In this way, you create a strong foundation to exploit the potential of AI for your company. Because the most powerful AI is only as powerful as the acceptance of the people who work with it.

Implement AI in your company

Into the future with man and machine

Wir beraten Sie zu strategischen Fragestellungen, und entwickeln eine perfekt auf Sie zugeschnittene, menschenzentrierte KI. Nutzen auch Sie Daten und künstliche Intelligenz, um innovative Ideen zu gewinnen, Prozesse zu optimieren und Ihre Produkte und Services zu verbessern. We are happy to support you: with the entire process, or with individual steps.

Exploiting the full potential of AI

Integrieren Sie KI in Ihr Daily Business

Von Idee zu Produkt in iterativen Schleifen: Gemeinsam mit Ihnen setzten wir ihre KI-Strategie um. Individuell, maßgeschneidert und menschenzentriert – machen Sie sich mit uns auf den Weg zu einem Unternehmen, in dem KI und Mensch Hand in Hand arbeiten. 

Discover what artificial intelligence can do for you.

Gain unique, reliable and individual insights about your company - thanks to artificial intelligence. Discover and integrate AI systems with us - even without your own infrastructure if required. We support you in each step along the way.

künstliche Intelligenz, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, pegalion

pegalion. Your partner moving into the future of AI.

Collaboration at eye level

Mutual trust is a central element of our collaborations. Working together with you is our focus and has the highest priority for the success of the project.

Everything from a single source

Benefit from the effects that can be achieved with an end-to-end offer: You receive your tailored AIstrategy, development and training from one single source.

Practical experience

Our interdisciplinary team knows what it means to implement AI. Benefit from our experience and hands-on knowledge.

As your full-service partner, we accompany you on your individual path to working with AI. We start the journey where you are right now: Together we analyze your current status quo, set goals and develop a roadmap. We are also happy to support you with implementation and monitoring.

Together we lay the foundation for the full utilisation of the potential of your data through machine learning and artificial intelligence. This is how we create comprehensive competitive advantages for your company. Take the next step with us into a data-driven, digital future. 

Don't trust us.
Trust our customers and partners.

Claudia Rautenberg

Vice President HR Executives, Leadership and Cultural Development at Lufthansa
2 hours - instead of 3 weeks

For each wave of the group-wide employee survey, employees write > 90,000 comments, which take a total of 500 working days to process. The large volume and complexity of the comments were therefore accompanied by an enormous amount of time needed to respond to the requests from top management - usually up to 3 weeks. In 2016, AI was introduced for the first time to reduce analysis time and enable real-time analysis. In the period from 2017 to 2020, topics examined in this way were further developed, such as Leadership Principles. In 2021, different AI variants were in use with a newly developed feedback analysis tool. Today, management hypotheses can be tested and enriched with insights using AI in under 2 hours. Managers can use data-driven decisions in the AI self-service. Furthermore, AI enables the identification of unknown fields of action and the formation of new hypotheses.

Irina II

Information Management Officer at SOKA-BAU
On a treasure hunt for ever more possible applications

Together with Information Governance, pegalion managed to establish acceptance for and willingness to work with AI. This initially involved building knowledge and developing an AI-related mindset. After creating this framework, a demand analysis was conducted to identify potential AI application areas. This involved identifying, developing and implementing a value-adding AI use case - an AI pilot for dealing with erroneous messages caused by incorrect inputs, faulty API's or outdated legacy systems in the process. Data silos were merged for the final product - a real-time self-service tool for management. The AI performs the calculation of error probabilities, forecasts of error types and error quantities for resource planning, as well as pattern recognition in the different error types to identify and eliminate error sources. Currently, "treasure hunt" workshops for shared learning and identification of new use cases are continuously conducted.

    Artificial Intelligence
    is our passion.

    22. December 2022

    Mit KI die Herausforderungen der VUCA-Welt bewältigen

    7. October 2022

    Was ist ein Kanban Board?

    5. October 2022

    Was ist eine Augmented Company?

    28. June 2022

    5 große Mythen über KI

    27. June 2022

    Conceptual chaos: The difference between AI, machine learning and deep learning

      Not sure about AI?

      Are you wondering whether and to what extent artificial intelligence can create added value in your company?
      We can tell you. In a free consultation hour we shed light on your company and check whether we can identify AI deployment potentials and with which technologies these can be realised. Completely free of charge. No strings attached.

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