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Are you looking for comprehensive support that goes beyond the limits of traditional consulting? You want to integrate artificial intelligence into your processes? Do you need ad-hoc problem solutions in close cooperation with your own teams? Do you want the knowledge to remain in your teams?

Then you have come to the right place.

We don't just consult.
We are also involved in the implementation.

Moving into the future together.

With sweeping digitalization and the ongoing development of AI and machine learning, major strategic challenges arise for companies. Together we optimize structures and processes, implement AI strategies and new work methods and pass on future-oriented skills. In doing so, we use our many years of experience from a wide range of projects and eliminate risks before they arise. We make sure that your processes become a success story.

Employee & Customer Experience

Increase the satisfaction of your customers and employees. According to the "kill two birds with one stone" principle, we identify the intersection of your customer and employee experiences in order to determine common fields of action for both target groups. The measures developed this way have a simultaneous, measurable and sustainable effect.

Digitalization & Process Management

In the volatile post-corona era, regular adjustments to your processes, products and services are essential to meet new market requirements. We give you a new perspective on the driving engines of your company and optimize in all key areas: lean, digital and AI-supported.

Artificial Intelligence

Was ist künstliche Intelligenz? Welche Einsatzmöglichkeiten bietet die KI für Ihr Unternhemen? Wie können Sie ein KI-System einführen? Wir kennen die Antworten: In unserem KI Enabling Training vermitteln wir Ihren Mitarbeitenden aktuelles Wissen und erhöhen die Akzeptanz für KI gestützte Prozesse. Bei der KI Implementierung begleiten wir Sie Schritt für Schritt bei Ihrem Einstieg in die KI.

New Work

Home office, desk sharing, virtual meetings... Trust an experienced partner when it comes to living, learning, working and participating in the digital world. Together we analyze the working methods in your company: in a future-oriented manner and with the help of artificial intelligence. Guided by these insights we develop and implement new work initiatives tailored to your needs. 

Grip Week

From problem to solution in just 5 days: Grip Week is an intensive workshop to tackle urgent challenges. Together we develop the right products, services and processes for your company based on concrete customer and market requirements. During Grip Week, you can explore innovative paths with your team and implement new ideas immediately.

    What Sets Us Apart

    Unique skills.
    For your success.


    Our consultants have a wide range of expertise in different sectors and company sizes - from start-ups to large corporations. We know what counts and how to realise the maximum potential together.


    We live and breathe innovation. Being innovative means thinking differently about problems and doing things differently with courage. That's why we avoid the beaten track. We look for own innovative paths to reach your goals.


    Our team has one goal in mind: the optimization of your processes and the digitalization of your company. Implementing innovative solutions that generate sustainable added value and strengthen your competitiveness. That's our motivation!


    We don't just "consult and run" - we accompany you throughout the entire process: from the conception through implementation to evaluation. If you wish also "hands on". With our interdisciplinary experts, we can accompany and cover your entire value chain. 

    What Sets Us Apart

    Don't trust us.
    Trust our customers and partners.

    Fabian Annich

    – Geschäftsführer von Station Frankfurt

    Pegalion hat für uns die Kehrtwende in der Entwicklung eines neuartigen Umfragetools für das Startup Ökosystem gebracht. Mit ihrem tiefgehenden Wissen im Bereich KI und Entwicklung von professionellen Umfragen haben sie die Qualität des Produkts auf eine deutlich höheres Level gehoben.

    Werner Hildebrand

    – Head of Recruiting & HR Marketing, Fremdpersonal Compliance Manager, Deutsche Lufthansa AG

    Die Optimierung komplexer, schnittstellenintensiver Prozesse, die Entwicklung und Implementierung einer digitalen Arbeitsplattform, diverse Web-Anwendungen sowie deren Administration waren gemeinsame Projekte mit pegalion. Philipp Papadopoulos und sein Team haben uns immer wieder aufs Neue überzeugt, durch treffsichere Analysen, kreative und innovative Lösungsvorschläge und fundiertes Know How. Besonders geschätzt haben wir die zielführende, unkomplizierte, vertrauensvolle und zuverlässige Zusammenarbeit mit pegalion.

    Key Account Manager

    – Lufthansa Group

    „Everyone associates stepping out of a comfort zone with sort of uneasiness. In reality it can be both comfortable and at the same time extremely challenging and productive. The best part of this “flow” is that you do not fully realize it and simultaneously you learn at a speed of light. Those are the moments that change our point of view and mindset – not only what we hear or read but what we experience and feel great about it.

    But most importantly it worked and we prototyped products which we will soon present to stakeholders!
    Thanks for inspiration!“

    We start where
    you are right now.

    We start where you are right now: Together we analyze your current status quo, define a target picture and develop a roadmap. But we don't just consult - we also want to support you in the subsequent implementation and evaluation of the developed measures and strategic changes. 

    In our daily work, we use proven frameworks, best practices and workshops. Together with you, we lay the foundation for exploiting the full potential of your data through data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. In this way, you create competitive advantages and sustainable added value for your company. Move into a data-driven future and take the next step now!

    Learn more

    New Insights.

    22. December 2022

    Mit KI die Herausforderungen der VUCA-Welt bewältigen

    7. October 2022

    Was ist ein Kanban Board?

    5. October 2022

    Was ist eine Augmented Company?

    28. June 2022

    5 große Mythen über KI

    27. June 2022

    Conceptual chaos: The difference between AI, machine learning and deep learning

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